Featured: Looking For Inspiration in Unexpected Places

Featured: Looking For Inspiration in Unexpected Places

By Dr. Seleem Choudhury 

The importance of inspiration in leadership has been long known. When people are inspired by the behavior of an individual, that inspiration can shape actions, goals, and outcomes. Ultimately, those who inspire others not only have a “significant positive impact on their followers,” but also on social systems.

The A.R.M. of strategy

The A.R.M. of strategy

Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury

Recently, my organization went through system-wide strategic planning sessions. Too often, even the best of strategic plans are not implemented successfully because organizations do not consider strategy execution in these discussions, neglecting to ask themselves how their organizations can prepare to implement the plans crafted (Cote, 2020).  Our facilitator, Costin Jordache of Adventist Healthcare, lead us through our planning session, taking care to define the ingredients of execution. The following article explores his format for successful execution.

Good leaders create inspiring moments

Good leaders create inspiring moments

By Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury

Consistency in the day-to-day requirements of leadership is essential, but the best leaders also know how to intentionally create moments that inspire, engage, drive imagination, and have an impact that far outlasts the moment itself.

What should hospital CEOs prioritize in 2023?

What should hospital CEOs prioritize in 2023?

By Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury

Futurists and analysts are forever predicting various new-year opportunities for healthcare, from expansion and innovation to workforce priorities and strategic deselection and reduction. The twin juggernauts of economic impediments and recessionary fears, even with their challenges, will not slow down the need for healthcare. Healthcare leaders often struggle to navigate through this myriad of possibilities.

Reduce health disparities by understanding what makes the patient tick

Reduce health disparities by understanding what makes the patient tick

By Dr. Seleem Choudhury

The healthcare industry must address these health disparities and distinguish “factors within the community that lead to persistent differences in mortality outcomes, to improve population health and longstanding disparities for minority populations” (Glenn, 2022). This begins with the relationship between the patient and their provider and community healthcare team (American Academy of Family Physicians, 2018).

Uberization of Nursing

Uberization of Nursing

By Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury

The global business community has had a range of responses to the trend of uberization (Babali, 2019), as has the healthcare industry in particular. Yet as health systems emerge from the pandemic, Bloomberg reports that “the ongoing elevated costs of [healthcare] workers are causing profit warnings” (KHN, 2022; Court, & Coleman-Lochner, 2022). Regardless of one’s resistance or acceptance of uberization, healthcare employment is in crisis. Change must occur to keep health systems from financial disaster.

Strategic Prioritization and Deselection: Being transformative in the beginning stages of an endemic

Strategic Prioritization and Deselection: Being transformative in the beginning stages of an endemic

By Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury

On the cusp of entering an endemic state, organizations are deciding what to turn their attention to “after COVID.” Wise leaders will recognize that this is not as simple as carrying on with their pre-COVID strategies. No organization has been immune to the shockwave of disruption that the pandemic has caused (Lagasse, 2020). This is especially true in the healthcare field. Hospital staff and resources are strained from bearing the weight of pandemic changes and regulations as well as the loss of skilled staff in the Great Resignation. You simply cannot “pick up where you left off” strategically when your workforce—the essential piece to actually accomplishing any strategy—is burned out and struggling. Something has to give.

COVID in 2022: Key components of moving to an endemic state

COVID in 2022: Key components of moving to an endemic state

By Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury

There can be no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic is ongoing, serious, and unpredictable. But based on current data and past patterns, we can forecast what Spring 2022 might bring and how to best respond.

A mission statement must be more than a PR tactic

A mission statement must be more than a PR tactic

By Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury

Each one of us has deeply held beliefs that motivate us to action. This is part of what it is to be human. It is embedded in our humanity to pursue virtue, or a habitual and firm disposition to do good. Our character is inextricably linked with virtue, because good character is built through the practice and habituation of virtues (Newstead, Dawkins, & Martin, 2019).

Developing excellence in primary care

Developing excellence in primary care

By Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury

Nearly half of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease, and that number is growing. Chronic diseases—including cancer, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart disease, respiratory diseases, arthritis, obesity, and oral diseases—can lead to hospitalization, long-term disability, reduced quality of life, and death. Additionally, chronic diseases often require a long period of supervision, observation, or care. To make matters more complicated, many patients have multiple morbidities, creating particular challenges for healthcare providers.