personal development

Featured: Looking For Inspiration in Unexpected Places

Featured: Looking For Inspiration in Unexpected Places

By Dr. Seleem Choudhury 

The importance of inspiration in leadership has been long known. When people are inspired by the behavior of an individual, that inspiration can shape actions, goals, and outcomes. Ultimately, those who inspire others not only have a “significant positive impact on their followers,” but also on social systems.

The necessary insecurity of leadership

The necessary insecurity of leadership

By Dr. Seleem R. Choudhury

Years ago, I accepted a job even though I was told that the team I was to lead didn’t want me as their leader. During my tenure, I received anonymous threats to leave, as well as episodes of sabotage and unhelpful behavior. Despite this, I was convinced that I could win them over with my leadership skills. Instead of improved conditions, however, things got worse. It became clear that the team was just waiting for me to make a mistake. Like all leaders (and indeed all humans), I eventually did.